Interesting comment here: "I have long suspected that cultural values had a stronger influence on voters than economic status, and DiMaggio's research confirms that. Who would really expect a NY real estate con man would improve your economic status?"

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But here's a comment that responds to the "interesting comment":

Common views, but rather shallow I think.

That’s true, almost by definition, when economic status is off the table. That’s been the case pretty much since the '70s, when Dems handed working people over to their class enemies and became a party of affluent professionals and Wall St.

When economic issues come back, "cultural" values (an odd term for racism, xenophobia, etc.) become less salient. Biden made an effort to bring them back, but as polls show, most of the public didn’t perceive it.

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Bit disappointed in DiMaggio's response to the 2020 Roots of Right-Wing Populism, it's quite a solid paper, that among other things shows how social and economic concerns play into each other, rather than being neatly cleaved apart. Hopefully he engages with it a little more in the book. Would be curious if you'd ask Ferguson to respond, if he's read the criticism.

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Thanks for the comment! DiMaggio says in the interview that he has responded to that paper, but I can't speak to what's what on that front.

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“There have been steadily increasing efforts over the last few decades to silence controversial and dissident voices in academia that might seek a public presence—we have so many examples where faculty engage in critical speech, the far right targets and harasses those faculty, and then university administrations don’t defend those faculty or fight back.”

What is the evidence behind this claim? Any examples I can look at? I’ve only ever seen leftist harassment of Professors like Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein and more.

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Can you share some information regarding Peterson and Weinstein that you find compelling and interesting?

I'm very interested in this stuff because I have an upcoming piece on cancel culture and I'm always looking for solid examples of genuine cancellation that aren't instances where someone plays a victim in order to cash in or something.

See this challenge regarding Peterson:


Some things said about Peterson by his defenders are false. I’ve seen people claim he was fired for his views; but in fact he still holds his professorship at the University of Toronto. I’ve seen people claim he was arrested, or threatened to be arrested, for his views; but neither has ever happened, and nothing he has said or done is against any actual law in Canada. In truth, Peterson, being a crap philosopher, doesn’t know how to read a statute, and doesn’t believe in consulting actual experts in anything he pontificates on but has zero qualifications in. Everything he said about Canadian human rights law is false.

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To be clear, I’m not saying they’ve been cancelled. In fact I probably never would’ve heard of these guys if leftists didn’t harass them and they seem to be more popular than ever. I’m saying that they seem to match the criterion of what the guy you interviewed claimed.

Here’s some stuff on Weinstein: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/evergreen-professor-at-center-of-protests-resigns-college-will-pay-500000/

On Peterson, here is an article about the harassment he’s received: https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/jordan-peterson-crying-bullying/?amp

There’s also several videos online of people harassing Jordan Peterson, and I’ve yet to see an equivalent of that where right wingers do the same thing to left-wing Professors. Not saying it doesn’t happen, just that I haven’t seen it. For example, have you seen any right wing group do something like this video to a left-wing Professor? https://youtu.be/vMSmUzDt-7U

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Thanks! I will look into this! Like you say, these wouldn't be examples of cancellation necessarily, but they might be good examples of highly problematic harassment.

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Thanks for the comment! I'll inquire about examples and get back to you when I have some links to share!

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Thank you!!!

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These are helpful. Thank you for getting back to me!

College administrators need to stand up for their employees who are harassed for expressing their opinions and grow a backbone. You only reward toxic, anti-free speech behavior when you let them harass and bully people into submission. This mob mentality ends when their behavior is not legitimized. Administrators need to realize that.

Your article, what you’ve sent me, and what I’ve seen seem to confirm what Bill Maher is saying here. There’s a cultural rot going on that needs to change. Appreciate you and DiMaggio exposing some of it.

Video: https://youtu.be/fBBvk6kS1Pk

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